Regulation Bingo Ruleset

Find the rules of bingo at Sloppy Joe's as presented by Geoff on the F**k Face podcast, now Regulation podcast.

How to play

  1. You'll be watching the Sloppy Joe's livestream, a bar in Key West, the livestream link can be found on the top-left of the website.
  2. Generate a board of Bingo prompts and keep an eye out for everything on your board.
  3. Click tiles on your board until you get a bingo! From there either generate a new board or try to complete it entirely.

Term dictionary

If you have a term you don't fully understand you may find a definition for it here.

Camera shy
Someone who noticed the camera and is trying to duck out of the way.

Clown car
A buggy or taxi that is filled to the brim with someone in every seat

Crosswalk coward
Someone who is about the cross the road then they stop.

Dead Parrot Head
A parrot head is someone who is way too into Jimmy Buffet. You're looking for scuzzy dudes that tried retiring early to Key West and they have blown through their money in margaritas, they walk around like zombies.

Dickhead truck
A truck with giant tires, annoyingly booming speaker, it has ground effects, or it is a cyber truck.

Dog out too late
A dog should not be out past 9:30pm and should be sleeping.

Double fisting
Someone walks around with two beers or mix drinks with one in each hand.

Dumb hat
A hat the is out of the norm and looks dumb.

Ghost Tour Bus / Street Train
The ghost tour bus has the sides branded. The street train is a small train that drives around picking up or dropping off people.

Go kart
A actual go kart.

Guy-on-guy scooter
Two dudes riding on a scooter and they don't want to touch.

Head sheen
A bald person walks by and lights reflect off their shiny head.

Hoofin it
It doesn't say "Jog", it says "Hoofin it".

Kid out late
A kid should not be out past 9:30pm and should be put to bed.

A very old lady that has no business being out late. Think "Granny, what are you doing out at midnight".

New boot goofing
Someone wearing clearly new boots. A reference to RENO 911!

Overstayed your welcome
When someone lingers in front of the Sloppy Joe's camera for too long

Trying to get into the wrong car
Someone who is getting picked up, but they tried to enter the wrong car.